nizima LIVE has been updated to version 1.6.1!
We have released an update to fix some bugs.
Thank you for always using nizima. We have updated the face tracking app “nizima LIVE” as follows:

■Fixed a bug where certain models were not recognized and items could not be applied.
■Fixed a bug where the app would crash when trying to display a model in another window using the collaboration function.
▼Please click here to download the latest version of nizima LIVE and the OBS plugin, and to learn more about the details of updates.
The Official nizima LIVE Discord Server is Now Available!
We are operating an official Discord server for nizima LIVE, where users can easily interact with each other, make requests for nizima LIVE, report bugs, ask questions, and more.
Please feel free to join!
▼To join the official nizima LIVE Discord server (free), click here.
nizima LIVE will continue to enhance and add more attractive features in the future. We ask for your continued support for nizima LIVE.